Do you really need a bootcamp to become a software engineer?

One of the strangest complaints that I see about bootcamp programs for software engineers is that "you can learn all this material online… for free!"

Well, yeah. Internet. 🙄

What a bootcamp provides is a clear and well-defined path to the next level. The world of web development is as wide as it is deep. Where do you start? What do you really need to know to get hired? If you get stuck on a problem, where do you go for help?

Without knowing where to start or what you need to know, it's easy to go down several rabbit holes and end up spending a year at the University of Youtube without much to show for your progress. I've met more than a few Youtube-ologists who know all sorts of abstract software trivia but struggle to put together a website or understand how to actually get hired.

Full disclosure — I am an engineering manager as well as the owner of, an Online Code School that Teaches You to Start Building Software. Apply here. We’ve created a proven path to get hired with tons of success stories.

Here’s my opinionated list of what you should learn to be hire-able as a software developer:

  1. HTML & CSS

