You want to create a great side project. One that increases your hire-ability, skillset and expands your knowledge (and maybe your salary).
We are going to walk through the step by step process I’ve used to create side projects that have done just that.
The problem with your standard TODO app is that it exposes you to a technology but is nothing like what you will encounter in a production environment. You may think you know ReactJS or MongoDB from creating a simple CRUD app. You’re not wrong. You’ve gained some information and practical skill but at best you have shallow knowledge.
Let’s build something interesting.
When I first started writing code professionally, I used AngularJS, C# and SQL. Not the most cutting edge stack. The next role: ReactJS, NodeJS and MongoDB. So how did I land a job as a mid-level developer at a ReactJS/NodeJS shop? Well, I built a complex web app using these technologies which prepared me for the interview and the actual job. I was able to hit the ground running.
Here are the steps I use to create a solid side project:
The API layer is the heart of the application. If you’re stuck on what to build, always start with the API/s.
A good API will have solid documentation and should challenge you in its implementation.
Ideally it’s more than just a single endpoint with a GET request but that’s fine to start with if you are a beginner or it fits your needs.
Here are some lists of APIs you can start with:
I go over how to use APIs with JS here 👇
Let me make this pretty simple for you: choose one of the BIG 3 JS frameworks